Jason Sheasby's Blog

Choosing Your Area of Practice
One thing that law school does not always prepare you for happens to be an incredibly important factor in the long term success of your career. When it comes to choosing your area of practice, there are a plethora of things to consider. Besides your personal...

Your First Year in Law School
In law school, the term 1L refers to a law student’s first year of school. It is widely agreed that this is the most strenuous year for a variety of reasons. Here are some survival tips.

NYC’s Red Flag Law
Back in February 2019, Governor Andrew Cuomo signed New York’s Red Flag Law. New York is the 13th state in the nation to enact this gun control law, according to the advocacy group Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence. Three other states have passed this law but they have not gone into effect yet.

Early Legal Texts: Brehon Law
Although the Irish are known for many things, people don't often refer to their advanced legal system. But the fact remains that early Ireland was an excellent place for lawyers. Some might be surprised that there was even a wandering troupe of lawyers known as the...

Early Legal Texts: The Draconian Constitution
Although people often talk about "Draconian" laws when they're alluding to legal structures they find too constrictive, few truly grasp the history behind their reference. All the way back in 621 BCE or thereabouts, a man named Draco reportedly reformed the laws in...

Early Legal Texts: The Code of Hammurabi
Many of our laws are based on ancient texts that have been passed down through the centuries. One example is the Code of Hammurabi, which provides a basis for our civil court system. Hammurabi was a Babylonian king who reigned between the years 1792 to 1750 B.C....
How Technology is Changing the Field of Law
Today we are living in a society that is heavily driven by technology. This drive impacts just about every field, and encourages changes to suit the contemporary world. The field of law, specifically, has undergone numerous changes in just about every area of the...

$506M Judgment Against Apple for WARF
Originally published on Irell.com On July 24, 2017, Irell secured a $506-million judgment against Apple Inc. for infringing a computer microarchitecture patent owned by the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF), an affiliate of the University of...

Irell Helps Reverse Largest Patent Verdict In History for Gilead
Originally published on Irell.com A team of lawyers from Gilead Sciences' in-house legal department (Lorie Ann Morgan, Patricia Thayer, Andrea Hutchison), Irell & Manella, Fish & Richardson and Orrick convinced Chief Judge Leonard Stark of the District of...

Interview Tips to Help You Land the Job
Interviewing for a job can be a nerve-wracking experience, but interviews are a crucial part of the process for anyone seeking employment. Interviews are more than just a way for employers to grill you about your work history — they’re also opportunities for you to...