Jason Sheasby

Irell & Manella LLP

For close to twenty years Jason Sheasby has worked as a litigator at Irell & Manella LLP, a law firm based in Southern California. His work focuses on litigating complex cases related to intellectual property in the pharmaceuticals, universities, and the medical sector. Throughout his career, Jason has received numerous honors for his work. He credits his success to his amazing colleagues and a love of learning which helps him thoroughly dive into each case and learn as much as possible about the subject before him.

Jason Sheasby Research ImageJason Sheasby believes that learning new technology is the best aspect of his work. Besides his passion for learning as much as possible about the ins and outs of every case, Jason credits his unwavering commitment to clients as another reason for his positive track record over the past two decades.

Jason’s experience in the world of intellectual property has given him an appreciation for inventions that he didn’t have before he entered the field. It is rarely easy for individuals and teams to develop new inventions and ideas. Therefore, it is important to protect these potentially life-changing ideas. Jason Sheasby is proud to belong to a firm like Irell that helps protect ideas on behalf of their rightful owners.

Jason Sheasby Justice ImageA typical day for Jason Sheasby can vary widely. Many of his cases are on the East Coast, so he must get up early in order to communicate with them and get a head start on his work. Jason is a morning person, so he enjoys working in the quiet hours before his family gets up. Every morning Jason helps his two daughters get ready for school, and then he returns to his work. Besides communicating with clients, he conducts research, writes, and meets with industry experts—all of which help him put together a strong case for each client.

With every case, Jason believes that it’s essential to put aside any set presumptions. Jason’s goal is to let the knowledge take him wherever is necessary, which is difficult to accomplish with a closed attitude. Each client, as well as each case, is different, so the approach to each situation should be different. Jason’s open attitude has helped him learn a lot over the years. Plus it keeps the work exciting and fun.

When Jason is not working he enjoys cooking, spending time with his family, and walking his dog.

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Education and Achievements

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In 1999 Jason Sheasby earned his J.D. from Harvard Law School and graduated cum laude. Before entering law school Jason graduated from Pomona College in 1996 with a B.A. in Philosophy. While attending college he was a member of Phi Beta Kappa, and he graduated summa cum laude.

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Some of Jason’s legal accomplishments include being selected to Super Lawyers in 2016 and 2017 and being selected to Rising Stars in 2007, 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2015. In 2015 Jason was included in The Daily Journal’s list of “Top IP Litigators.”